In Numbers
USD 8 million six-month (November 2021- April 2022) net funding requirements for the Country Strategic Plan
234,810 refugees and asylum seekers in camps supported with food assistance
Operational Updates
Support to refugee populations: WFP will be rolling out its beneficiary and distribution management tool SCOPE in Nduta camp in January 2022, following its successful implementation in Nyarugusu Camp. Planning for the rollout is underway including the development of beneficiary sensitization materials, information sharing with stakeholders, printing of cards and redesign of the infrastructure at each food distribution point in Nduta.
Following the launch of the 2022 call for proposals for nongovernmental organizations to implement WFP’s activities, the country and field offices conducted an information session to help potential partners understand the scope of work and general conditions in the refugee camps. WFP’s evaluation committee will review the proposals and select suitable partners, and field level agreements will be signed in December 2021.
WFP continues to maintain General Food Distribution rations at 68 percent of the minimum required kilocalories due low funding. Full rations are provided to beneficiaries of the supplementary feeding programme. COVID-19 prevention and control measures have been maintained.
Smallholder Farmers: Farm to Market Alliance (FtMA) in collaboration with its digital partners (Mkulima Hub and Bizy tech) have digitally registered 29,703 smallholder farmers. FtMA has recruited and is strengthening 66 Farmer Service Centres to act as last mile service providers of input and output aggregation of smallholder farmer produce. With a demand led approach, a Farmer Service Centre is meant to provide farming services such as extension, input finance, mechanization, and other services as needed to help farmers increase their productivity, access to markets, and incomes.
Under the Climate Smart Agriculture Project (CSAP) WFP in collaboration with local government authorities in Chemba District formed 42 farmer organisations (FOs) comprising 1,946 farmers.
The FOs received training on group dynamics, leadership, constitution development and registration procedures that form part of the project’s institutional capacity building initiative. CSAP also facilitated the training of 12 Chemba District Council extension officers on nutrition sensitive agriculture.
Source: Relief Web