Posted on February, 24, 2022 at 08:23 am
Moderate tropical storm named Ana, which made landfall in Mozambique on 24 January 2022, severely impacted the Southern and Central regions of Malawi. Some of the areas affected by the storm were already suffering damages from floods, following heavy rains at the start of the year (OCHA 2022).
The floods caused by Ana occurred mostly in the southern part of Malawi and impacted all agriculture sectors, including crops, livestock, and fisheries. According to the Department of Disaster Management (DODMA), 221 127 households were affected by the flood.
Initial satellite analysis conducted in the aftermath of the storm indicated large swathes of flooded land along the Shire River as well as around Lake Chilwa; the southern districts of Chikwawa, Machinga and Nsanje were the most affected.
In response to the Government of Malawi's request for support with the implementation of a rapid multi-sectorial assessment of the most affected areas, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Geospatial Unit (NSL) and the Needs Assessment team (OER), with support from the FAO Resilience hub for Southern Africa (SFS-REOSA), Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS) and the Malawi country office, conducted a rapid post-disaster impact analysis to understand the implications of the tropical storm in the most affected areas across the country and to inform emergency response planning.
Source: ReliefWeb