In Numbers
USD 11.3 million six-month (March - August 2022) net funding requirements for the Country Strategic Plan
210,381 refugees and asylum seekers in camps supported with food assistance
Operational Updates
Support to Refugee Population: The 26th meeting of the technical working group of the Tripartite Commission for the voluntary repatriation of Burundian refugees living in Tanzania took place in Dar es Salaam Tanzania in February 2022. The two governments agreed to: maintain two convoys of 700 each per week, organize ‘Go & See’ visits and ‘Come & Tell’ missions, conduct intention surveys, and embark on the promotion of voluntary repatriation at the next Tripartite Commission Meeting.
Rations for refugees in Nduta and Nyarugusu camps remained at 68 percent of the minimum required kilocalories due to funding shortfalls. Despite resource constraints, WFP has maintained 100 percent rations for the supplementary feeding programme. WFP continues to actively engage with donors to raise funds as the forecast for 2022 is extremely low.
Smallholder Farmers: WFP partnered with Ministry of Agriculture to conduct a study post-harvest management in Morogoro, Manyara, Kigoma and Kilimanjaro. The study will focus on beans, maize, sorghum, and cassava value chains. The findings will assist in realigning the delivery of post-harvest practice training to support smallholder farmers.
WFP participated in the launch of a tree planting campaign by Dodoma Regional Commissioner at Kingiti village in Mpwapwa district. Through the Climate Smart Agriculture Project, WFP is supporting 21,000 smallholder farmers to access nearly 63,000 gliricidia trees and 6,600 fruit trees.
Nutrition: WFP participated in a workshop organized by the President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government to review the nutrition COMPACT and integrated monitoring and evaluation system. The aim was to ensure that the system aligns with the overall multisectoral nutrition information system which tracks performance of the National Multisectoral Nutrition Action Plan II.
Source: ReliefWeb