In Numbers
85,640 cumulative and 2,407 active cases of COVID-19 in Malawi (31 March 2022)
USD 5 million six-month (April - September 2022) net funding requirements
USD 29.4 million funding required for flood response
Strategic Outcome 1
Floods Response: Under tropical storm Ana flood response, a National Response Plan has been finalised. A Flash Appeal was released in which the Food Security and Livelihoods Sector (including Agriculture) is prioritising 450,000 people with a USD 8.6 million funding requirement. WFP confirmed contributions from the Government of Iceland and Italy towards cash assistance. Targeting and verifications for the distributions in the most affected areas is ongoing.
Refugees: In parallel to the ongoing cash operation targeting over 10,000 households in Dzaleka refugee camp, WFP is also promoting income generating activities, so refugees and host communities boost their self-reliance. A wide of range of activities are promoted, from soya and mushroom farming, eggs production, soap making and tailoring.
Strategic Outcome 2
School feeding: The EU Ambassador to Malawi visited Chikwawa District. The mission appreciated the emergency support being provided to learners in flood-affected schools not under regular school feeding and the expansion of the home-grown school feeding model in the district.
Social protection: Along with the shock-sensitive social protection for the lean season response, cashplus activities were piloted in Chikwawa District with afforestation chosen as the long-term initiative. With support from district and sub-district level, the pilot is underway in targeted traditional authority areas.
Strategic Outcome 3
- Malnutrition prevention: In collaboration with the Department of Nutrition and HIV/AIDS and the District Council, WFP conducted a review and learning working of the Neno Nutrition Investment Project supported by the Government of Ireland.
Source: ReliefWeb