Posted on June, 7, 2022 at 09:52 am
In Numbers
USD 8 million six-month (June – Nov 2022) net funding requirements for the Country Strategic Plan
210,381 refugees and asylum seekers in camps supported with food assistance
Operational Updates
Support to Refugee Population: In May 2022, the Ministry of Home Affairs approved kitchen gardens to be established in household backyards to complement general food distribution and promote the consumption of vegetables.
Smallholder Farmers: Value chain activities continued under the Kigoma Joint Project targeting over 24,000 farmers (63 percent are women), and the Climate Smart Agriculture Programme in Dodoma, supporting 21,000 farmers (43 percent are women). The focus has been on post-harvest handling and storage training as well as equipment distribution.
Farm to Market Alliance (FtMA) supported cooperating partners to field test a digital tool to vet and select farmer service centres. The tool is enabled with global position system configuration. The aim is to have 250 centres selected and onboarded by July/August 2022.
FtMA is preparing for the May-September aggregation season. In total, 30,620 metric tonnes (mt) will be aggregated through the centres (11,850 mt maize, 11,240 mt rice and 7,530 mt sunflower seeds). FtMA is profiling potential offtakers and matching their demands with projected surplus potential. In addition, a cropping strategy has been developed to guide the selection and promotion of specific crop enterprises.
Nutrition: WFP participated in the quarterly COMPACT meeting at Kinondoni district council (DC) where the district reviewed its performance against the set nutrition indicators and identified solutions in underperforming areas.
WFP handed over 106 flip charts and recipe books to the DC for onward distribution to villages. These will be used to empower communities with knowledge and strategies to prevent malnutrition.
WFP supported the review of the draft national school feeding implementation plan which translates the National Guidelines on School Feeding and Nutrition Services into strategies and activities. The workshop was attended by Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre, the Ministry of Community Development, Gender, Women and Special Groups, the President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government as well the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
Source: ReliefWeb