KBL set to recruit 5,000 sorghum farmers

Posted on October, 28, 2022 at 08:40 am

Kenya Breweries Limited (KBL) is seeking to enroll over 5,000 new farmers to grow sorghum for the production of its Senator Keg Lager.

The brewer seeks to increase the number of smallholder farmers that supply it with raw materials from the over 40,000 farmers it currently has in different parts of the country.

East African Malting Limited (EAML) Head of Agribusiness Gerald Gacheru noted that the firm seeks to ensure farmers from arid and semi-arid areas enjoy the benefits of growing sorghum since the crop has great survival chances even in areas experiencing very low rainfall and high temperatures.

He further noted that the introduction of beer made from sorghum has provided an opportunity to improve the production and welfare of sorghum farmers.

“As a company that is leading the drive for sorghum commercialization in Kenya, we are currently registering sorghum farmers who will grow and supply grain to our breweries. The local sourcing programme is a crucial business priority for us because it enables us to grow value together with the farmers in Kenya,” said Gerald Gacheru, EAML Head of Agribusiness.

Through EAML, KBL has provided a source of livelihood to farmers from Kisumu, Migori, Siaya, Homa Bay, Busia, Tharaka Nithi, and Meru counties among others.

Its contractual farming model has made farmers access inputs such as seed varieties and fertilizers easily in addition to easier accessibility of the ready market for their products enabling them to concentrate on enhancing yields to maximize profits.

“We are also encouraging Persons with Disabilities not to shy away from joining the programme. In partnership with Sightsavers, we are currently working with over 140 farmers who are differently abled and are looking to grow this number further,” added Gacheru.

The firm is also committed to training farmers on good agricultural practices, post-harvest handling and value addition to boost the uptake and maintain the highest grain quality.

Moreover, the farmers will also be provided with quality seeds of improved varieties to boost their productivity.

The firm has encouraged farmers to visit its agriculture subsidiary EAML offices in Molo to join the programme.

Source: Capital FM

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