Kiambu Farmers receive Government subsidized fertilizer

Posted on November, 4, 2022 at 01:25 am

Farmers in Kiambu are a happy lot after receiving the subsidized fertilizer that the government availed for growing crops during the short rains season.

During the commissioning of the sale of the fertilizer at Pyrethrum grounds in Kimende town, Lari MP Mburu Kahangara said the farmers have been eagerly waiting for the government fertilizer for the planting season.

“We expect a bumper harvest since the fertilizer subsidy has arrived at the right time, when the rains have started and the farmers are ready to plant their crops,” said Kahangara.

The legislator urged farmers to take the advantage and plant with the fertilizer as the rains start, noting Kiambu is among the priority counties for the subsidy due to its agricultural production.

“The farmers will buy the fertilizer at the new price of Sh. 3,500 for a 50kg bag, against the market price of Sh. 6,500 meaning that the government will pay the difference of Sh.3000 per 50kg bag to cushion farmers from high fertilizer prices in a bid to spur increased production,” he said

Rufus Gicheha, a farmer living in Kimende thanked President William Ruto for keeping his promise of lowering the cost of fertilizer and making it easily accessible.

“When farmers continue to get such support from the government, the country will not be heavily affected by hunger and will produce enough for its people and sell the surplus” Gicheha said

The farmer however urged the government to ease the purchasing procedures, noting that they have to purchase the fertilizer only through a single bank, the Kenya Commercial Bank, which is not available in all the parts of the county.

“After vetting by the ministry of agriculture, the farmers were being asked to make payment of the bags they required at Kenya Commercial Bank branches across the country. The banks are few and only available in several towns which is making it hard for farmers unable to access them,” said Gicheha.

He added that some farmers would travel to Naivasha town, Githunguri and Limuru town so that they can pay for the fertilizer and come with a bank slip to collect the commodity at Lari.

“We had been told it was mandatory for us to pay at the bank itself, we had to travel long distances, spending time and fare,” he said

The MP promised to came up with a strategy of easing farmers process of buying the commodity, where they will be allowed to pay through agents and bring the slips to the NCPB officials, who then will release the fertilizers to them.

Source: Capital FM

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