Posted on January, 27, 2023 at 09:56 am
Ron Suppes of the Kansas Wheat Commission has been elected chair of the Wheat Foods Council for the 2023-24 fiscal year, which is set to begin July 1, 2023. He will succeed Kent Juliot of Ardent Mills, who will continue to serve as immediate past chair.
Other members elected to the board were Mark Hotze of Corbion as vice chair and Britany Hurst Marchant of the Idaho Wheat Commission as treasurer/secretary.
The new officers were unveiled as part of the WFC’s annual meeting held in mid-January in Littleton.
At the meeting the WFC also reviewed program accomplishments for the first half of the fiscal year. Among the highlights were 3 million new views of its educational videos, bringing total views to 21.9 million. The WFC also said it created and distributed new video content, conducted three successful webinars for personal trainers featuring expert speakers, celebrated its 50th anniversary at the International Baking Industry Exposition (IBIE) and produced new issues of the e-magazines Kernels and FoodFit.
Looking ahead to the remainder of the fiscal year, the WFC said it plans to present its Chef Workshop at the Culinary Institute of America as well as offer three additional webinars for personal trainers and exhibit and provide an expert speaker at a top personal trainer conference. The WFC also intends to expand its video program.
Source: World Grain