EAGC and Chuka University sign a partnership to promote sustainable food systems in Kenya’s Upper Eastern region

Posted on February, 5, 2024 at 07:03 am

the Eastern Africa Grain Council (EAGC) and Chuka University entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), marking the commencement of a collaborative venture aimed at enhancing the agribusiness landscape in Tharaka Nithi County and neighboring Upper Eastern region Counties in Kenya. This strategic alliance has set the stage for hosting Agribusiness Expos with the first scheduled to take place at Chuka University grounds on March 14, 2024.

The partnership has solidified the commitment of both organizations to promote innovation, sustainability, and knowledge exchange within the agricultural sector. Under the theme “Climate Smart Technologies and Practices for Sustainable Food Systems,” the expo will bring together stakeholders from interconnected sectors such as agribusiness, finance, insurance, agro-inputs, agri-equipment, machinery, manufacturing, trade, export, processing, and others. The objective is to facilitate meaningful dialogues between these stakeholders and their clients, resulting in demand-driven products tailored to address client needs.
Expressing her enthusiasm on behalf of Mr. Gerald Masila the Executive Director, EAGC, Ms. Jacinta Mwau, EAGC Team Leader Kenya, DRC, Burundi and Ethiopia stated, “We are excited to embark on this transformative journey with Chuka University. Together, our goal is to unlock the full potential of the agribusiness sector in the upper eastern region, promoting sustainability, innovation, and economic prosperity.”

Chuka University grounds will serve as the venue for showcasing crop and livestock demonstration units, machinery display section, and Business-to-Business (B2B) meetings, empowering farmers and stakeholders through capacity building, training on new innovations and technologies, and access to knowledge. The expo is expected to host of over 70 exhibitors and 3,000 farmers from Tharaka-Nithi, Meru, Kirinyanga, Isiolo, and Embu counties. EAGC will partner with development organizations in Upper Eastern to host an experience sharing session among farmer cooperatives and grain off takers, as an opportunity to expose them to peer-to-peer training and awareness on best practices in structured trading systems. According to the County Departments of Agriculture in Upper Eastern, it is anticipated that the Upper Eastern region will experience a bumper harvest of green grams, maize, sorghum and beans. EAGC has mobilized bulk grain off takers from its membership and will host a B2B forum during the expo on March 14th for the signing of trade contracts between farmers and off takers for immediate purchase of tradeable surplus grains harvested from the October November December (ODN) Season.

The MOU has also featured apprenticeship opportunities and placements to students actively pursuing agribusiness-related courses. Through establishing connections between industry practitioners and students, the partnership ought to empower the young agribusiness professionals with the practical skills and knowledge needed to excel in the industry, fostering a seamless transition from academia to the workforce.

Prof. Henry Mutembei Ph.D, Vice-Chancellor, remarked, “This partnership with the Eastern Africa Grain Council aligns with our commitment to academic excellence and community development. By hosting the Upper Eastern Agribusiness Expo and facilitating collaborative initiatives, we are confident in our ability to make a lasting impact on the agricultural landscape.”

Source: EAGC