USDA lowers wheat carryover

Posted on February, 12, 2025 at 07:55 pm

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) on Feb. 11 lowered its forecast for the carryover of wheat on June 1, 2025, to 794 million bushels. The new forecast was 4 million bushels lower than the January projection. A forecast increase of 4 million bushels for 2024-25 food use of wheat was behind the small adjustment contained in the monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report.

At 794 million bushels, the revised carryover forecast was 98 million bushels higher than the 2024 carryover pegged at 696 million bushels. The 2025 carryover would be the largest since 845 million bushels were carried over in 2021. The recent high carryover was 1.181 billion bushels in 2017, and the record high carryover of US wheat was 1.905 billion bushels in 1986. The new forecast compared with the average of pre-report trade expectations at 799 million bushels.


The USDA forecast for the 2024-25 wheat supply was unchanged at 2.798 billion bushels, which included carry-in of 696 million bushels, unchanged from January but up 22% from 570 million bushels in 2023-24, and forecast imports at 130 million bushels, also unchanged from January but down 8 million bushels from 2023-24.

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The USDA forecast food use of wheat in 2024-25 at 970 million bushels, up 4 million bushels from January and up 9 million bushels from 2023-24. The USDA raised its food use forecast based on the National Agricultural Statistics Service Flour Milling Products report issued Feb. 3, which said fourth-quarter wheat flour grind was up 2% from the same period the previous year.

Seed use of wheat in 2024-25 was forecast at 64 million bushels, unchanged from January and up 2 million bushels from 2023-24. Feed and residual use of wheat in 2024-25 was forecast at 120 million bushels, unchanged from January but up sharply by 35 million bushels, or 41%, from 85 million bushels in 2023-24.

The USDA forecast wheat exports at 850 million bushels, unchanged from January but up 143 million bushels, or 20%, from 707 million bushels in 2023-24.

The USDA forecast the carryover of hard red winter wheat at 382 million bushels, down 2 million bushels from January on a like increase in food use. The hard red spring wheat carryover was forecast at 197 million bushels, down 1 million bushels from January on a like increase in food use.

The soft red winter wheat carryover was forecast at 111 million bushels, up 1 million bushels from January, although no indication was given for the change.

The white wheat carryover was forecast at 70 million bushels, unchanged from January.

The durum wheat carryover was forecast at 35 million bushels, down 1 million bushels from January on a likely increase in food use for the wheat class used to grind semolina for the production of pasta.

Source: World Grain