Activists call for govt over low grain prices

Posted on July, 25, 2018 at 09:50 am

Kampala. Environmental activists have asked government to set up standard farm gate prices for geains as a way of motivating farmers to increase production.

Addressing the journalists in Kampala on Monday, the activist warned that the current prices of Shs350000 for tone of maize in Kiboga and Nakaseke districts is a threat to the agricultural productivity.

Ms Christine Kaaya, a climate change advocate, attributed  the low prices to lack adaptation. ‘….one of the indicators for climate change resilience is to reduce on post harvest losses at leastby 5% and above. Farmers managed to minimize post- harvest losses but we are surprised with the pricing, especially maize, which did well in Kiboga and Nakasseke, Ms Kaaya said.

She said the projected price by March this year was Sh 700 to Shs 1000 per Kg of Maize grain but it is at sh 250 to sh 300. This is far below, making farmers to operate in losses because the minimum cost producing a kilo of maize is sh 400.

The environmentalists urged government to establish better storage facilities at community level to help farmers improve their livelihood, arguing that existing facilities are inefficient.

Source:  Daily Monitor | Wednesday July 25, 2018 | Page 13