Sirisia MP Waluke charged with falsely obtaining

Posted on August, 3, 2018 at 09:18 am


Sirisia MP John Waluke has been charged with fraud in a Milimani court in a case involving the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) and a company, Chelsea Freight.

The MP is charged together with Grace Wakhungu and Erad Suppliers Ltd.

They are accused of uttering false document and fraudulent acquisition of public property.

Being directors of the company, the three are accused of presenting a false invoice of USD1,146,000 (Sh115,072,725) on February 24, 2009 as evidence in the arbitration dispute between the company and NCPB.


They allegedly purported that the invoice was to support the cost of storage of 49,000 metric tonnes of white maize, which was allegedly incurred by Chelsea Freight.

The court heard Thursday that they further obtained Sh397,386,505 on March 19, 2013 for loss of profit and interest allegedly incurred by Chelsea.

In June 2013, they further obtained Sh13,364,671 purporting to be the storage for the maize.

On the last count, they are accused of obtaining USD24,032 (Sh2,413,113).


Mr Waluke denied the charges and pleaded with the court to free him on bond, saying he had cooperated with the prosecution and brought himself to court.

The prosecution opposed his release saying being an MP, he is an influential person and might interfere with witnesses.

The prosecutor also requested that a warrant of arrest be issued against Ms Wakhungu. But her lawyer said she was sick.

Chief magistrate Douglas Ogoti will make a ruling on the bail application at 2pm Thursday.

Source: Business Daily