Uganda installs cargo scanners at border posts

Posted on August, 13, 2018 at 09:26 am


The Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) has installed non-intrusive cargo scanners at the Busia and Malaba borders to help reduce tax evasion.

The revenue authority is seeking to reach a Ush16.4 trillion ($4.4 billion) target announced in June by the Minister of Finance. The new target is Ush1.8 trillion ($494.3 million) more than what was collected in the 2017/2018 financial year.

URA is banking on improved tax administration to meet its target and the scanners will play a key role in this.

Better practices

Dicksons Kateshumbwa, a commissioner in the Customs Department, said better administration practices would see URA collect an extra Ush700 billion ($188.4 million).

The new scanners will be connected to existing systems like the Asycuda World, a customs system that is used by importers and exporters in different parts of East Africa to clear goods even before they reach their destination.

Mr Kateshumbwa said the scanners are precise and can even find an undeclared three millimetre wire.

The ability to scan and see all goods going through Malaba and Busia, means goods will be cleared faster and more efficiently.

Source: The EastAfrican