Low funding, climate, slow agro processing

Posted on August, 23, 2018 at 09:26 am


A study on leveraging the buy Kenya, build Kenya strategy to promote sustainable agro-processing has concluded that the sector suffers a number of challenges in achieving its dream.

Problems such as infrastructural bottlenecks, climate change, inadequate financing, technological challenges, and limited access to distribution channels are key impediments to success of local agro-processing industries, the study by advocacy group CUTS has found.

The agro-industrial sector plays a key role in creation of jobs and spurring manufacturing for the country, a key sector in the president’s big four agenda.

“Climate change is also a concern, which may yet be overlooked as we rush towards industrialization,” the director Clement Onyango said.  

The Buy Kenya, Build Kenya strategy is expected to support agro-processing through measures geared towards improving competitiveness and consumption of local products. Onyango said policy coherence and implementation challenges are many.  

“The study acknowledges the potential and significant role of the strategy in developing a robust agro-processing sector in the country as it seeks to balance the  important aspects of promoting local industries, and on the other hand, promoting regional trade as captured in the East African Community’s agenda,” he said.   

CUTS International- Nairobi, is a resource centre for studies, research and advocacy programmes

Source: The Star