KAM wants talks on pesticide VAT changes

Posted on August, 24, 2018 at 10:48 am

Pesticide manufacturers want the planned VAT changes on their products deferred to facilitate talks.

Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) Chief Executive Phyllis Wakiaga said the talks would enable stakeholders from agro-chemical manufacturers to stockists to align their operations to reflect the new increment.

“Implementing the directive now and having to backdate the taxes to July 1 has left the industry in confusion since sales of pesticides and acaricides have been ongoing since July 1 where no VAT was charged,” said Ms Wakiaga.

“The imposition of VAT on all pest control products is difficult to implement retrospectively since manufacturers had not imposed the tax on their distributors who ought to have passed the same to farmers. So requiring them to remit taxes on products sold between July 1 and August 1 when we got as copy of the assented Act is unfair and impossible.”

Source: Business Daily