Manyara farmers access commodity markets online

Posted on September, 4, 2018 at 10:35 am

Uhuru Ward Councillor, Felis Manino told a group of visiting Dar es Salaam based journalists that farmers can easily communicate with agents and brokers over the phone and conclude deals.

“Reliable mobile phone services have meant that farmers do not need to carry their commodities to markets but rather get agents or brokers who come over to buy and collect the produce,” Manino who is one of the councillors in the region said.

Manyara farmers grow maize, yellow beans, pigeon peas with major markets in Arusha, Moshi, Dodoma and as far as Dar es Salaam. He said his ward which has more than 500 active farmers have boosted their earnings through selling of commodities at premium prices.

“Right now majority of farmers and traders here at Uhuru ward use internet connection to search for markets with premium prices for what they grow,” he noted saying because of market information, farmers are no longer been over exploited.

The Uhuru Ward Councillor further added that because of Halotel’s network, many youths are engaging in profitable income generating activities such as being Halo Pesa agents.

“Right now transport services are also very easy for commodities because farmers can just make a call and buyers come to purchase their crops at farm-gates," he pointed out.

One of the Halotel agents at the ward, Joseph Ngaila said with reliable internet and telephone connections, more people in the region have witnessed their incomes being boosted through various economic activities.

“Villagers are now enjoying Halotel mobile communication services but also Halo Pesa transaction services which have completely changed the way we do business here,” Ngaila noted. Halotel has entered agreement with the government to invest in rural communication as part of efforts to improve living standards of the people.

Source: IPP Media