Agro-processing tipped to create employment

Posted on September, 13, 2018 at 10:36 am


Online logistics firm Sendy says Kenya could generate thousands of jobs as well as improve quality of food if farmers and individuals ventured into agro-processing.

Sendy CEO Alloys Meshack said establishment of cottage food industries and private processing firms across Kenya could see new specialised jobs created that will sustain demand for ready transport.

Mr Meshack spoke when he handed over Sh500,000 towards the upcoming Africa Food Industry and Excellence awards to be held at Safari park this Friday.

“The food, business and processing sector is on an upward trend and could spark new demand for logistic services for ferrying fresh produce to the factories and processed foodstuffs to the market.

“We will partner with companies and individuals who start such industries that add value to Kenyan fresh produce,” he said.

The award, now in its second year, recognises individuals and companies that process food and beverages packaged for the mass market.

Convener of the Food Business Africa event Juma Francis said 50 entries had since been received from companies and individuals.

Source: Business Daily