Do not exploit Kenyans, CS Kiunjuri tells traders

Posted on October, 2, 2018 at 09:22 am


All farmers who had not been paid for maize delivered at the National Cereals and Produce Board will get their money by the end of this week, Agriculture CS Mwangi Kiunjuri has said.

He said maize delivered to the NCPB exceeded the money budgeted for, causing the delay in payment. Kiunjuri said processing will be done today and payout will begin tomorrow.

He spoke at Kiamuiru St Benedict Catholic Church in Nyeri town on Saturday after a music competition by choirs.

“You are also aware that we look forward to a bumper harvest and we are expecting favourable weather conditions. In December it will be raining through to January, February and March and therefore we expect there will be stability in terms of food,” Kiunjuri said.

high supply

He said he expected the cost of food to go down. Kiunjuri urged traders to follow suit and sell at lower prices just as prices are hiked when there is scarcity. “Maize supply is high and so it is expected that the prices will be brought down,” Kiunjuri said.

The government will not allow a 2kg packet of maize flour to exceed Sh75, he said, adding that currently a bag of maize is going at Sh1,600.

The CS said millers have brought the prices of maize flour down and accused retailers of not lowering the prices and exploiting Kenyans. Kiunjuri warned those vowing not to lower prices, saying the government will fight impunity.

buy more

“There is no way farmers can sell their maize at Sh1,600 while traders exploit the farmers by selling flour from the same maize at a higher price,” he said.

“How do you expect me to sell my maize at Sh1,600 and out of the same maize you want to reap benefits that you are not allowing me to enjoy? That is the question we are asking.”

NCPB, he said, will buy more maize from farmers for storage. He said the committee concerned will meet to determine the price at which the maize will be bought from farmers.

Senators last week visited the NCPB in Eldoret and found the stores filled up with maize. Farmers are preparing to harvest this year’s crop in two months.

The Senate ad hoc committee on the maize crisis chaired by Uasin Gishu senator Margaret Kamar inspected the stores and said recommendations would be made.

Source: The Star