Relief As Fertiliser Warehouse Opened in Katavi

Posted on October, 3, 2018 at 10:37 am

By Correspondent in Mpanda

THE opening of a fertiliser warehouse in Mpanda Town will end late delivery of farm inputs, Acting Regional Administrative Officer Cresencia Joseph said at the weekend.

She told guests at the opening ceremony of the warehouse that the region would ensure no late fertiliser delivery would occur in the 2018/19 farming season. "OBO Investment Company is very close to us. It is the umbrella agent of Yara Company. We will ensure small agents, working under Obo Investment, supply fertilisers to farmers on time during this season," she said.

She was simultaneously officiating at a short course on the right use of fertilisers for farmers and village and ward agricultural officers of Katavi Region. She said there would be close supervision of fertiliser delivery to ensure everything went well.

Late last year, President John Magufuli directed early delivery of fertilisers and other farm inputs to farmers and at reasonable prices to avoid frustrating hardworking farmers.

In response to the President's directive, OBO Investment Company and Yara had established a warehouse in Mpanda Town to ensure early fertiliser delivery in Mbeya, Songwe, Rukwa and Katavi regions.

OBO Investment Director Olais Oleseenga said the company would operate from that big warehouse to ensure farmers got fertilisers and other inputs from small and big agents when they needed them.

He attributed late delivery in the past to bad roads and long distances between suppliers and consumers, adding that prices were bound to go down once the farm inputs were transported by train from Dar es Salaam to Mpanda, Katavi.

He also said the company planned to have 100 agents in three districts of Katavi, who would be trained on good use of fertilisers and other inputs and who would impart that same knowledge to farmers, especially growers of rice, maize and vegetables.

Yara Marketing Manager John Meshack said the warehouse had been opened in Mpanda because the area had farmers, who grew various types of crops, but lacked access to the right fertilisers for their crops. He praised OBO Investment for such timely intervention.

"We are committed to serving farmers. We will ensure our partners supply our products to farmers on time and sell them at indicative prices," Mr Meshack explained.

He said Yara was always proud of its products and good distribution networks to farmers to support agricultural revolution in Tanzania.

Source: Daily News