Extension officers pledge maximum support

Posted on November, 1, 2018 at 09:47 am

EXTENSION officers in southern highland regions of Iringa, Mbeya and Songwe have promised to improve their services especially in educating farmers on better methods of applying fertilizer.

Speaking shortly after attending a training seminar by Yara Tanzania who are manufacturers of seeds and fertilizers, the extension officers pledge to bring about changes to farmers through proper appliance of fertilizer.

The training attracted 23 extension officers aimed at among other things to underline the need for extension officers to become field oriented with special attention to village farmers.  The training was conducted before the launching of new farming season officiated by Deputy Minister of Agriculture Dr Mary Mwanjelwa.

Monica Lwinza who was among the training beneficiaries thanked Yara Tanzania for having supported them in terms of training on modern farming and proper ways of applying fertilizer, adding that modern farming was key in bringing about agricultural revolution.

“This training is a big boost to us in terms of proper appliance of fertilizer and boost productivity, it is and the undeniable fact that are farmers seldom know about important ingredients in farming especially proper use of fertilizers” he said.

The Yara Tanzania who are the dealers in seeds and fertilizer supply  in the northern highlands have launched the new farming season together with the training of 23 extension officers employed by the company who will be required to deliver field services to farmers in their respective areas.

It is believed that the extension officers will become a force behind agricultural revolution and in farmers’ improved standards of living.

The training beneficiaries are the graduates at various levels in the discipline of agriculture and they are expected to visit various places in the area in question giving face-to-face training to farmers.

The agronomic manager of Yara Tanzania, Peter Asei said the extension officers would be sent to various places and their roles will be among others thing to focus on how best farmers can contribute in achieving the second phase of Agriculture Sector Development Programme (ASDP-II)

“In this training we have also instructed the amount of fertilizer needed to be applied in different types of crops, if this knowledge reaches out to farmers and they apply it accordingly than there is no doubt that they will surely have pumper harvest increased efficiency and increased income,” he said.

Yara Tanzania has also printed a book that will act as a guide to farmers on better methods of farming especially on soil analysis to be able to find what nutrients are missing.

Asei pointed out that for significance revolution to be achieved in agriculture, farmers should pay attention to technical instructions they receive from the extension officers.

“The important thing for a farmer is to pay attention to extension officer’s instructions, if such instructions are thoroughly implemented than we must expect positive outcomes,” he said.

Yara Tanzania business manager, Meshark John who is also the coordinator of Yara activities in the southern highlands said the company not only sells fertilizers, but also sells balanced nutrients for crops.

“We are committed to be part of the achievement in implementing the ASDP 2,” he said adding that training of extension officers is his firm's top priority.

Source: Standard Digital