Polish Firm to Commission Grain Silos Next Year

Posted on November, 1, 2018 at 10:03 am

By Matern Kayera, Recently in Poland

CONSTRUCTION of grain silos in Songea, Dodoma and Shinyanga regions and in the Districts of Makambako in Njombe and Mbozi in Songwe will be completed at the end of next year.

Construction of the grain silos by a Polish producer of grain silos, Feerum JSC began in December 2016 after signing of a contract with Tanzania National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA).

A member of the management board of Feerum JSC, Piotr Wielesik, told the 'Daily News' in Chojnów city, Poland recently that construction of 36 grain silos was progressing well and they hoped to complete the task as per demand of the contract.

The Polish company is constructing 12 grain silos in Songea, Ruvuma Region and six silos in Dodoma Region, he said.

Other regions with the number in bracket are Shinyanga (6), Makambako (6) and Mbozi (6).

The capacity of each silo, according to Feerum JSC, is to store from 3,500 tones to 4,100 tonnes of grains and the construction will be completed at the end of next year as per demand of the contract.

"Due to this contract, Feerum JSC undertakes to design and manufacture grain silos, transport silos to places specified in the contract in Tanzania, assembly and commissioning of silos, warranty service and training of NFRA personnel in the silo service," said Wielesik during the meeting in his office in Poland.

According to him, the total value of the agreement is 33.1million US Dollars for the construction of five complexes of grain silos and storage facilities as well as revitalization of existing facilities belonging to the NFRA.

Feerum JSC. is a company located in Chojnów City in Poland and it manufactures various products, including grain silos and dryers as well as grain transport systems, within and outside the country.

The company has its office in Dar es Salaam for the same purpose of helping Tanzanian farmers with grain storage facility, he said.

"Polish government is ready to support small farmers in Tanzania and that's why we have opened our branch in Dar es Salaam. This cooperation intends to help Tanzanian farmers to have storage facility and our plan for the future is to work with the Tanzania Private Sector too," said Wielesik.

He further said that the European Union plans to invest 44billion Euros in Africa and mostly in agriculture because Africa will be the only place to export grain to Europe in the future.

Source: Daily News