Name maize cartels or be impeached

Posted on November, 2, 2018 at 09:40 am


Agriculture CS Mwangi Kiunjuri has been given seven days to name cartels behind illegal maize importation or be impeached.

Nandi Hills MP Alfred Keter yesterday said Kiunjuri has failed to rein in unscrupulous traders whom he said have taken over management of departments in the ministry.

The MP asked the minister to resign. “Why is he still in office? He is not telling us who are these cartels. He even doesn’t know the exact amount of maize that has gone bad. We will impeach him,” Keter said.

He was addressing a press conference at Parliament Buildings.

On Wednesday, investigations into maize importation showed the ministry illegally shipped in four million bags last year. Documents tabled before the Senate ad hoc committee investigating the matter shows 10 million bags were imported by December last year against the approved six million bags.

In May last year, the government allowed importation of maize through a subsidy programme to cushion consumers against high unga prices.

Maize flour prices increased to a record Sh150 per 2kg packet. The importation was to end in September but the government extended the window to December.

 Keter said some traders and millers imported bad maize which is unfit for human consumption.

 “Cartels want to create artificial maize shortage since they imported bad ones, we will not allow any more imports because farmers have enough maize,” Keter said.

The lawmaker asked the government to clear debts owed to farmers. He also want prices for this year;’s harvest declared and stores opened to receive maize.

Source: The Star