Farm clinic to boost greengram production

Posted on November, 23, 2018 at 10:47 am

By Denis Bbosa

Research in eastern Uganda has proved that if farmers amplify greengram production, they are most likely to gain high yields.

As such, NASARRI director, Dr Michael A. Ugen, reveals that much of the attention at next month’s Seeds of Gold Farm Clinic will be geared to the improved production of greengram to alleviate the plight of the local farmers.

“We chose the commodities (cassava, citrus, groundnuts, cattle, sorghum, greengram and poultry) according to the demands of the region. That said, we recognised the desire to increase the production of green gram because of the wide local market and ability to grow in the climate patterns,” Ugen said.

Greengram, also known as the mung bean, is a small round bean similar in shape to the field pea.

He says for its value addition, demand and family consumption options, active and prospective farmers ought to make it a must have plant.

Greengram benefits

With its high fibre and nutrient content, it offers a number of health benefits. Greengram is recommended in weight control, can be essential in lowering the blood pressure and is also a source of proteins. Scientific research indicates that greengram has iron needed to boost the body. According World Health Organisation, iron deficiency affects 80 per cent of the world’s population.

Cattle and cassava

According to Dr Ugen, the tutelage on cattle last year dwelt much on beef production but the current demands have called for a switch to dairy production.

“Farmers here want to understand the modern trends of dairy production because they have the ability to produce on a large scale. We are going to allocate two animal and crops experts per commodities to see to it that no stone is left unturned,” he added.

Ugen noted a great improvement in cassava production since last year and the smouldering crave for poultry production which they are ready to address to the dot.

2,000 participants expected

More than 1,100 participants thronged the educative event at Serere last year but Ugen says the enchanting learning experience some eastern farmers obtained at the recently concluded farm clinic at NgettaZardi will ultimately double the numbers.

“We have prepared for more than 2,000 participants and we expect farmers to come from as far as Karamoja, Lira, Mbale and Moroto,” says Ugen. Still riding on the theme, climate smart farming, the free farm clinic will be the last of the rotational basis chain after the Mbarara, Hoima, Kabanyolo and Lira outings that transformed many farmers. The topics to be discussed will range from post-harvest handling, value addition, sustainable land management (SLM), agribusiness aspect and economics besides the practical sessions. The Micro Finance Support Centre Ltd, BoU, aBi and NTV are the sponsors.

Seeds of Gold Farm Clinic, Serere

Cassava, citrus, groundnuts, cattle, sorghum, greengram, poultry
Post-harvest handling, value addition, Sustainable Land Management (SLM), Agribusiness Aspect and Economics
National Semi Arid Resources & Research Institute Serere (NASARRI)
Free: Breakfast & Lunch
Sponsors: The Micro Finance Support Centre Ltd, BoU, aBi & NTV

Source: Daily Monitor