Use TADB loan opportunities, Majaliwa tells farmer

Posted on November, 26, 2018 at 10:52 am

PRIME Minister, Kassim Majaliwa has called on framers to grab loan opportunities available at Tanzania Agriculture Development Bank (TADB) in a bid to expand their agricultural activities.

"I would like to advise you private investors and various organizations in Tabora Region to make use of bank institutes including your agricultural bank to revolutionize your agriculture and livestock keeping activities," he said.

Premier Majaliwa said this while officiating at the Tabora Region's Business Forum and recently saying that the objective of establishing TADB was to support farmers shun subsistence farming and embark on agro business.

He named crops begin captivated in Tabora Region as including paddy,tobacco, sunflower, ground nuts and honey, adding that the region is blessed with huge number of livestock which if improved can transform lives of the people.

"TADB is doing very well, President Magufuli also acknowledges it's works, This is the time you should commit yourself in agriculture and use the presence of the bank to acquire loans in a bid to widen the scope of your activities," he said.

Premier Majaliwa who once served as the District Commissioner in Urambo District located in Tabora Region said the region is endowed with numerous investment opportunities, calling on Tanzanians to grab opportunities," he said.

On his part, Tabora Regional Commissioner, Mr Aggrey Mwanri said his rigion was well prepared to smoothen investment procedures including removal of bureaucracy in the process of registering lands and issuance of various permits.

"I will take measure against all those who will be hindering investments, the region government is committed in making sure that there is a huge revolution in development and economy," he said.

Zonal TADB Manager,, Mr Geofrey Mtawa said his bank offers several types of loans aiming at solving various challenges of crops' value addition such as construction of irrigation schemes.

"We offer loans for warehouse construction where various farm pruduces are preserved and in the purchase of modern farming equipments," he said.

Source: IPP Media