Sirisia MP’s NCPB fraud case proceeds

Posted on January, 22, 2019 at 08:45 am


Fraud charges against Sirisia MP John Waluke and a co-director in a company locked in a dispute with the National Cereals and Produce Board will proceed, pending an application they have filed before the High Court challenging their prosecution.

Justice Hedwig Ong’udi declined to stop the trial wondering why the MP and his co-director, Grace Sarapy Wakhungu, had taken long to file the case. The trial was to start yesterday before an anti-corruption court.

They are accused of presenting false documents and fraudulent acquisition of public funds.

The charges against them state that being directors of Erad Suppliers & General Contractors Ltd, they presented a false invoice of $1,146,000 (Sh115,072,725). They allegedly said the invoice was to support the cost of storage of 40,000 metric tonnes of maize incurred by Chelsea Freight, obtaining Sh297,386,505 on March 19, 2013.

They filed an urgent application last week, seeking to stop their prosecution from starting.

Source: Business Daily