MET warns of severe weather in the southern region

Posted on January, 23, 2019 at 09:12 am

Written by  Yamikani Yapuwa

Blantyre, January 23, 2019: Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services (DCCMS) has warned that the southern region will experience a severe weather from Monday to Wednesday this week.

In a statement issued on Monday, Director of Climate Change and Meteorological Services, Jolamu Nkhokwe said heavy rains accompanied by strong winds are expected mainly over most of southern Malawi.

“This is due to a deep and wide low pressure system in the Mozambique Channel which has strengthened and therefore been named Tropical storm ‘Desmond’ while located near Quelimane north of Beira in Mozambique, which is 390 kilometres away from southern Malawi border in Nsanje.

“By 14:00 hours on Monday, January 21, 2019, the Tropical Storm was on its way to make a landfall over Mozambique, while dumping heavy rains overland including southern Malawi. The storm is expected to weaken by Wednesday, January 23, 2019,” he stated.

Nkhokwe cautioned that the anticipated heavy rains could cause floods including flash floods in prone areas.

“We are appealing to the public to secure their property and lives as well as take precautionary measures like  moving to higher grounds when water levels have started rising.

“They should also avoid crossing flooding rivers and must not seek shelter under trees and weak infrastructures,” he added.


Source: Malawi News Agency (MANA Online)