Undispatched vetting forms stall Sh5b maize buying

Posted on January, 24, 2019 at 09:12 am


Procurement of maize has been stalled by Agriculture ministry's delay in issuing vetting forms to establish genuine farmers who can benefit from the Sh2,500 per 90 kilogramme bag offered by the government.

The National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB)management Wednesday maintained that it will only accept maize from vetted farmers after it opened its buying centres countrywide following a directive by President Uhuru Kenyatta to start immediate buying of the produce.

“It is mandatory that the farmers are cleared by the vetting committee before they can deliver their produce to our stores,” said Alvin Sang the board’s Acting Managing Director.

Scores of farmers who had lined up in various NCPB stores in the North Rift were Wednesday forced to leave and seek clearance from the vetting committee.

Led by Moiben MP Sila Tiren they held a crisis meeting with the NCPB officers where they resolved to hasten the vetting.

Mr Tiren urged the government to increase the maize intake from two million to four million bags while maintaining the capping of the purchases at 400 bags worth Sh1 million.

Ministry of Agriculture officials were by yesterday still waiting for the vetting forms to enable them clear farmers.

The starts from the ward level where chiefs establish the real farmers and their acreage.

Source: Business Daily