Kagera RAS warns officers bent on impeding border

Posted on January, 29, 2019 at 08:10 am

KAGERA Regional Administrative Secretary (RAS) Professor Faustine Kamuzora has warned government officials who impede business growth and development along the regional borders with Uganda, saying the cross border businesses are of great importance to the residents’ economy.

Prof Kamuzora who was recently appointed to the post was speaking during his inspection tour of the border areas. He called on wananchi in in the border areas to embrace available business opportunities.

“The border between one country and another is the business opportunity to people living in the area…people should use border areas to transact business and improve their standards of living provided that they abide by all the legal requirements, our role as the government is to ensure that people benefit, we should not be an obstacle to business,” he said.

Prof Kamuzora toured Tanzanian borders with Uganda in Misenyi District’s Kabindi, Kashenye, Mtukula and Bugango points as well as Murongo in Kyerwa District where he met citizens and officials working in the areas to discuss ways of improving their environment and fully benefit from available opportunities.

The tour comes as the regional authority has termed the 2019 as the year of boosting revenue collection from both big and small businesspeople as well as ensuring that wananchi benefit from their businesses.

Fishermen in Misenyi told Prof Kamuzora that they are facing market challenges notwithstanding the fact that in the neighbouring Uganda there is huge market that offers good prices but it remains inaccessible.

Source: Daily News