Turkana, Marsabit get Sh2.8b to fight drought

Posted on January, 30, 2019 at 08:24 am

By George Kebaso and Nicholas Waitathu

More than 500,000 residents of Turkana and Marsabit counties will benefit from Sh2.8 billion aid from the Germany government under the Drought Resilience Programme.

Irrigation Principal Secretary Fred Segor said yesterday that Turkana will receive a total of Sh1.5 billion to finance water harvesting, rangeland management and farming, among other projects.

The remaining cash will go to Turkana, where at least 255,000 people will benefit. The two counties are among those perennially affected by prolong droughts in the country.

Segor said the funding is part of the Intergovernmental Agency for Development (IGAD) support for the wider Karamojong Cluster.

It is part of negotiations started in 2013 between Germany and Kenya. The PS said the National and county governments will top up the fund with Sh360 million.

“The local contribution is Sh360 million; Sh115 million from counties, and Sh230 million from the National government,” said Segor during the signing of the agreements in Nairobi.He said the two county governments will be tasked with implementation of the programme.

“They will select and plan for their preferred investments in the areas of water harvesting and storage; irrigation, animal health, rangelands and fodder production and sanitation in schools and health centres,’ said Segor. He said the programme will go a long way in ensuring food and water security and reducing poverty.

Governors Josphat Nanok (Turkana) and Mohamud Ali (Marsabit) were upbeat the funds will transform the counties but expressed concern the region risks losing out on a further Sh770.5 million due to the delay of commencement of the project.

“Our appeal is for you to be flexible with the timelines. The projects have delayed in kicking off and a lot of these funds could be pushed to the 2019-2020 budget cycle,” said Nanok. Mohamud also appealed to the donors to relook at the timelines.

Source: MediMax Network