EU and UAE cut imports of Ukrainian flour

Posted on February, 1, 2019 at 09:08 am

Ukraine exported 122.3 KMT of flour during the first six months in MY 2018/19, or 50% less than in the same period in MY 2017/18 and 31% below the five-year average for this time, reports UkrAgroConsult.

At the same time, 2018 flour production in Ukraine remained sufficient at 1634.7 KMT (down 14% from 1897.9 KMT in 2017).

The world’s top destinations for Ukrainian flour are Asia and the Near East with a combined export share of 60%. At the same time, China – the biggest buyer of Ukrainian flour – alone has absorbed 22.3% of its total exports this season. However, supplies to the country in July-December 2018/19 were down 62% against the same period last year.

Palestine has become the second largest importer this season with its export share reaching 16%. Shipments to this country gained 16% to 19.7 KMT in the period under review. In addition, Singapore boosted purchases of Ukrainian flour by 151% in the first half of MY2018/19, to 17.1 KMT against 6.8 KMT in July-December 2017/18.

A substantial drop is seen this season in flour supplies to the EU (-71%), Somalia (-70%), the United Arab Emirates (-61%) and Israel (-28%).

Source: UkrAgroConsult