Business management training to boost SMEs growth

Posted on February, 7, 2019 at 08:14 am

TWENTY Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the country are set to grow their business and employ more people thanks to the business management training financed by the German government.

Director of SMEs in the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment Dr Consolatha Ishebabi called for the benefiting SMEs to capitalise on business skills which are vital for expansion of the SMEs which contribute up to 35 per cent in the country’s GDP.

“Marketing, networking and financial services skills are very much valuable knowledge for an enterprise to increase profit, move ahead and employ more people,” Said Dr Ishebabi as she officiated the three days’ Management training financed by the Government of Germany in Dar es Salaam yesterday.

She added the themes to be covered came at the right time and will change negative notions among entrepreneurs that business was all about financial capital input alone leaving aside professional technical know-how for business expansion.

For her side, the project’s advisor from the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) Ms Lydia Koch explained that the training that included other SMEs from East African Community (EAC) member states, will equip knowledge in areas of business management, innovation, establishing strong business relationships with their German companies.

“This project is looking at laying a foundation stone for sustainable economic cooperation and network in the near future,” she noted.

The second Vice Chairman of the Confederation of Tanzania Industries (CTI) Shabbir Zavery said Tanzanian SMEs were looking ahead to acquire knowledge from the German business experts in the areas of knowledge transfer, sharing experiences, mentorship and match making.

Ms Koch said that the pilot project will be implemented until 2020 among the EAC member states with the German companies seeking strong partnership with companies in East Africa.

Source: Daily News