Farmers appeal for iron-biofortified beans

Posted on March, 5, 2019 at 10:36 am

FARMERS in Mbulu district have urged the government to scale up the conventionally bred biofortified beans that contain high levels of iron and zinc so that they could benefit from the nutrition value contained in the beans.

They said the nutritious beans contain iron, zinc and provide solution to the hidden hunger, cognitive development for children, help lactating and pregnant mothers.

One of the farmers who constitute a group of 30 Mama Lishe at Moringa village, Daudi Ward, Julita Cosmas said that unlike other beans, the new bean varieties Selian-14 and Selian-15 are nutritious, marketable and takes short time to cook.

 “After tasting the beans, my husband has changed his mind set. He said the new beans are useful for digestion system as well. He even gave me additional plot so that I can grow more beans of this type,” she said.

Another farmer, Rose Cyprian shares the same story. She has planted the beans in a small portion, and she hopes the nutrition she gets will help to improve her health and the family livelihood.

Crop officer at Mbulu district, Elfadhil Manahiri said that development of the district depends much on crops production as they contribute much to the district incomes. One of the crops that is grown by almost every household is beans and sold between 120,000/- and 200,000/- per sack depending on the beans varieties.

“We are therefore working very close with researchers and other stakeholders like Selian and CIAT to ensure that the farmers get improved varieties to increase the crop production,” he said.

Agricultural research officer at TARI-Selian in Arusha, Denis Mcharo,  said that the nutritious beans were bred in collaboration with other stakeholders such as the international Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), the aim is to help the farmers increase production, secure better market, get nutritious food and earn income.

Citing an example, he said if the farmers follow agronomics practices and grow the maize according to how they were trained, they are likely to double production per acre.

Bean value chain at CIAT, Radegunda Kessy said that Tanzanians face a big challenge of malnutrition. So, the new beans that contain high levels of iron and zinc, have higher yielding that will help to address the problem of malnutrition in the country.  

“The beans are also suitable for physical and cognitive development of our people and children in particular,” she added.

Source: IPP Media