Govt to establish crops insurance scheme to cover

Posted on March, 8, 2019 at 09:49 am

THE government is working to establish agricultural crops insurance scheme that will cover farmer’s production cost in-case of poor weather, floods and pest invasions.

Agriculture Minister, Japhet Hasunga made the revelation on Tuesday when speaking during the launch of the NAFAKA program which aim at enhancing the distribution of seeds and pesticides in Tanzania’s southern highland regions. The program is implemented by an international company—CORTEVA agriscience with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

According to Hasunga, most of the farmers have been incurring losses associated with draught, floods and invasion of fall army worms (FAW). He said the crop insurance scheme will be a relief to farmers as their production costs will be covered by insurance during natural disasters.

“Farmers will be compensated in case of natural disasters and pest invasion. Farmers must register with the scheme to benefit with its various packages”, he noted adding apart from the compensation package, will farmers will also benefit with loans to establish income generating activities.

He said the government plans to construct a pesticide factory in Mbeya region which will be serving farmers in the southern highland zone. He said the factory will be built in Mbeya following an increased demand of pesticides in the regions.

The minister asserted that Tanzania produces 10 percent of the total agricultural inputs required. He said the government spends a lot of funds to import 60 percent of various inputs including pesticides.

Senior official from the USAID – NAFAKA programme, Terhi Majanen promised continued support to the government especially in provision of education to framers and assisting them to secure loans from banks and financial institutions.

He said the programme is aimed at facilitating the valability of quality seeds and timely distribution of pesticides.

“We aim at enhancing crop production”, said Majanen.

A farmer from Songwe region,  Joseph Mwampashi called upon the government to control importation and production of fake seeds. He said most of the framers don’t have knowledge to distinguish between genuine and fake seeds.


Source: IPP Media