Monies release welcome

Posted on March, 12, 2019 at 09:20 am

By Business Daily EDITORIAL

Reports that the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) has started paying farmers for their maize supplies last week is a welcome development.

According to the board, it had paid Sh200 million on the first day.

At least 400 farmers had been paid even as the tight vetting of recipients continued.

The vetting exercise is aimed at ensuring that only genuine farmers who have delivered maize to the board are paid.

While we welcome the release of the monies we urge the board to hasten the process of vetting and paying farmers given that the planting season is fast approaching and farmers need all the resources necessary. The NCPB is buying two million bags of maize this year to replenish stocks at the Strategic Food Reserve.

The board had by last week only purchased 12 percent of the two million bags required.

Reports that the agency has run out of storage bags are unacceptable as they reveal a total lack of forward planning

The board should make sure that it has enough storage bags to enable it absorb more maize.

Source: Business Daily