Minister urges the NFRA to expand purchasing power

Posted on March, 12, 2019 at 10:54 am

AGRICULTURE Minister Japhet Hasunga has underscored the need for the National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) to expand its purchasing capacity and look into modalities of buying more crops for commercial purpose so as to give farmers a reliable market of their produce.

Hasunga who is also the Vwawa MP, said this here when addressing rallies in Wasa and Ibebwa villages in his tour he conducted to oversee the implementation of the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) manifesto in the constituency.

Hasunga wanted NFRA to transform its mindset which stick in buying crops only for national reserve but rather embark on purchasing them for commercial purposes as well.

“NFRA should work together with the Cereals and Other Produce Board of Tanzania (CPB) to ensure that more crops are purchased from local farmers,” he said.

Minister Hasunga further directed Mbozi district executive director to ensure that all honey keeping groups in the area are registered to enable the members conduct the activities formally and be able to penetrate to the local and international market opportunities.

He contributed 1m/- to support various honey keeping groups in the Free Pentecostal Church of Tanzania (FPCT) where he attended a special holly mass.

He encouraged Tanzanians to embrace hardworking and engage themselves in income generating activities to improve their lives and contribute in the country’s development.

The minster also assured the public that the fifth phase government is committed to address all challenges facing Tanzanians in all sectors ranging from education, water, health, business and agriculture among others.

During his tour also Hasunga contributed 1m/- to support renovation of a road at Nyanyi village.

Source: IPP Media