Israeli trained graduates petition state to revive

Posted on March, 12, 2019 at 11:37 am

Lucas Ngasike

More than 200 Kenyan Israeli-trained graduates in advance agriculture, have petitioned the Government to revive the stalled Galana-Kulalu food security project.

The graduates, drawn from various public universities and colleges, warned of a scheme by cartels to sabotage the mega food security project that would have saved dozens of unemployed youth in the country.

Vision 2030 Youth Entrepreneur Association chairman Edward Githaiga, accused the government of abandoning them despite being sent to Israel to study advance agriculture and technology to improve food security in the country.

“This flagship project that was undertaken by the Government with support from Israel was meant to boost food security in the country. But some ruthless cartels keen to sustain their business in maize milling and importation are working to shoot down the project,” Mr Githaiga said.

Source: Standard Digital