Zimbabwe: We've Enough Grain - VP

Posted on March, 28, 2019 at 10:50 am

Vice President Kembo Mohadi has urged the nation not to panic over the dry 2018-19 agricultural season, saying the country has enough grain reserves to feed the nation. A prolonged dry spell destroyed crops in most parts of the country threatening food security.

Addressing Zanu-PF supporters at a rally in Cowdray Park suburb on Friday to garner support for Cde Kidwell Mujuru, the party's candidate in the Ward 30 by-election set for March 30, VP Mohadi said this year was a difficult one for the country, but no one will starve.

"This year is a difficult one for us due to little rains received in most parts of the country, but please don't panic. I want to assure you that the new dispensation will make sure that nobody starves. As the leadership, we are servants of the people and we will make sure that every family in the country has food.

"We have enough food in our strategic grain reserves. We have 500 000 tonnes of maize, which will last seven months and this is enough to take us to the next season."

The Vice President, who donated 30 tonnes of rice and 60 tonnes of maize to residents of Cowdray Park, said he had been informed of all the challenges faced by residents and promised to address them. "I'm aware of the challenges that are being faced by Cowdray Park residents," he said.

"I'll make sure that these challenges are addressed to improve the livelihoods of the people living in this area.

"I'm an action man and I keep my word. We will show the people that Zanu-PF is alive and kicking."

VP Mohadi commended the people of Zimbabwe for their patience and resilience during the current difficult times, saying the new dispensation would continue working flat out to turnaround the economy.

"I want to thank the people for their resilience. It's amazing. As Government we will address all the challenges faced by the country," he said.

"The new dispensation is only nine months in Government and turning around of the economy will take some time. I therefore call for continued patience and unity.

"If the worst comes to the worst, we will evaluate what we have in terms of minerals and we leverage what we have underground. We are a rich country."

VP Mohadi said Government, as part of its efforts to turn around the economy, changed the indigenisation laws to promote investment and crafted the National Investment Policy (NIP) to enhance the ease of doing business in the country.

He urged Zanu-PF supporters in Cowdray Park to maintain and preach peace as they work for the development of the area and campaign for the party and their council.

Source: The Herald