Is the proposed Crops Bill, listing fertilisers

Posted on March, 29, 2019 at 09:18 am

By Alfred Kamau

Let’s not politicise matters,  the State under the Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation Cabinet Secretary, the Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA) and county governments came up with this draft.

I believe it was informed by extensive research that found out we (Kenyans) are exposed to bad foods because of the substandard pesticides and fertilizers we use on our farms. Unlike what many people fear, the bill will not ban the use of animal manure.

I believe it will only demand that the farmer declares the manure in question safe for applying on crops. In Nairobi for instance, we have seen people plant vegetables along sewer lines and later sell to us. That is what the bill seeks to protect us from.

We have seen farmers being sold sand in place of fertiliser and chalk in the place of pesticide. That is what the bill wants to rectify by having only vetted and trusted suppliers of this key ingredients deal with farmers. The bill will also help us revamp our food export market.

The thorough vetting that will be going on farms after the bill passes will ensure farmers produce food crops that meet world standards. We are tired of situations where your crops are rejected at world food markets because they failed to meet standards. The bill is welcome and timely. Let our MPs pass it.

Mr Kamau is a businessman and part time farmer.

Source: Standard Digital