Dar Port impresses Ugandan legislators

Posted on April, 2, 2019 at 10:07 am

MEMBERS of Parliament from Uganda have appreciated the role of various agencies in facilitating trade at the Dar es Salaam Port through the Single Custom Territory (SCT) being implemented by member states of the  East African Community (EAC).

Exports from Uganda via the port stood close to US $30 million dollars (about 69bn/-based on the current exchange rate). The amount is about 599 billion Ugandan shilling during the financial year 2017/2018.

The MPs also urged for improvement of infrastructure along the central corridor to expedite haulage of exports and imports from and to Uganda through Dar es Salaam Port, Mwanza and Port Bell across Lake Victoria.

Led by Chairman of Uganda’s Parliamentary Committee on Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Mr Henry Musasizi, the lawmakers said the Dar es Salaam Port facilitates trade between Uganda and the rest of the world.

“We are satisfied with transportation of goods from Uganda to the rest of the world and viceversa through the Dar es Salaam Port,” the MP commented during a familiarisation tour at the Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) in Dar es Salaam yesterday, adding: “There have been some challenges such as delays in clearance of cargo but TPA has given us confidence and commitment to improve operations.

This port is a very important point of entry and exit for goods from and to Uganda.” On the other hand, Mr Musasizi spoke highly of the ongoing expansion and improvement of the port through the Dar es Salaam Maritime Gateway Project (DSMGP), which aims to overhaul the port of Dar es Salaam’s infrastructure by 2023.

“It is our hope that the ongoing expansion will lead to increased efficiency in delivery of services and cost saving for traders,” he stated.

Speaking at the occasion, the Assistant Port Director at the Dar es Salaam Port, Mr Elihuruma Lema, informed the visiting legislators that the harbour gives special treatment to cargo destined to Uganda, including a grace period of 30 days for storage.

“There are also some cases where we scrap fees for goods which have overstayed at the port and this is aimed at offering affordable rates compared to other competing ports.

“Traders from Uganda using our port should be rest assured of safety and speedy clearance of their consignments,” the port official assured the MPs. A member of the parliamentary committee, Mr Okello Anthony, pointed out that Uganda is seriously committed on increasing transportation of cargo via Dar es Salaam Port-Mwanza-Port Bell and hence the need to improve operations and security.

The MP stressed that the focus on the central corridor by the Ugandan government will increase the volumes of cargo along the route.

In response, Mr Lema informed the lawmakers that the Tanzania Railway Corporation (TRC) plans to increase the fleet of 200 wagons by the end of April, this year, to cater for the increasing demand of services along the central corridor.

The port official further stated that TPA had opened a liaison office in Kampala, Uganda, to handle complaints and facilitate Ugandan traders using the Dar es Salaam port.

Available reports indicate that volume of cargo to and from Uganda has been increasing from 2016 when the port handled 165,919 tonnes which almost doubled in the following year to 271,957 metric tonnes in 2017, thanks to revamping of the rail and lake transport between Mwanza and Kampala.

Source: Daily News