Mixed reactions over proposed nuts and oil crops

Posted on April, 3, 2019 at 08:35 am

The proposed regulations on nuts and oil crops by  Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA) has attracted mixed reactions from players in the sector.

AFA director Anthony Muriithi said the bill which  has already been drafted seeks to enhance the value chain of the produce by regulating the production, processing and marketing.

He said the bill, if enacted shall help streamline the sector pointing out that lack of proper regulations have lead to conflicts among the players. The bill stipulates among other things, that small-scale farmer register with an association recognised by AFA.

A person who intends to process nuts or oil crops must make an application to the authority and will be required to sign a contract with the growers and the same has to be notified to the county government.

The bill also proposes that the authority in consultation with county government  shall set the harvesting season for the nuts.

Bulking and grading sites will  be established to help accumulate marketable volumes but the farmer shall retain the bargaining power.

The new law also prohibits the farmer from cutting down nuts tree without getting permission from the relevant authority. However, the Nut Traders Association of Kenya (NUTAK) has not taken the proposed bill on a positive note, terming it as punitive.

Chairman Johnston Kihara said the association is not going to accept and rubber stamp ambiguous and discriminatory law in the sector.

Charles Muigai, secretary Nut Processors Association, however, hailed the bill, saying it will help guard the value chain of the produce. He also said the measures put in place will help lock out brokers whom he added have wreacked havoc in the sector.

Source: MediaMax Network