Food processors told to turn challenges

Posted on April, 23, 2019 at 09:57 am

THE Kagera Regional Administrative Secretary (RAS), Prof Faustin Kamuzora has urged food processors to turn challenges to opportunities and aim high in order to enhance their business.

Prof Kamuzora made the call yesterday while opening a two-day training attended by about 120 food processors and entrepreneurs in Bukoba Municipal Council.

He elaborated that the government has made industrialisation a priority and demonstrated a political will that has led to emergence of new investors interested in establishing businesses in the industrial sector.

According to Prof Kamuzora, investing in industrial development could help entrepreneurs to make their dream of becoming rich come true. “Turn challenges to opportunities.

If there are certain laws that impede smooth implementation of your activities do not hesitate to speak out so that the government can take appropriate action.

Investing in agriculture and industrialisation is very crucial for the development of East African people and the whole region.

No region of the world has ever moved to industrialised economy status without transformation of the agricultural sector,” he said.

“Agriculture allied with industry, manufacturing and processing capability equals strong and sustainable economic development, which creates wealth throughout the economy.” he said.

He also urged the processors to focus on producing food commodities rich in nutrients in order to combat malnutrition levels in the region and to make joint efforts to ensure that under-five, infant and neonatal mortality are brought to an end.

This follows a recent report indicating that almost 4 1.7 per cent of children in the region were suffering from malnutrition. The survey also indicated that the rate of stunting stood at 34 .7 per cent.

Underweight stood at 13.4 per cent, wasting stood at 3.8 per cent, anemia among children stood at 59 per cent ,V itamin A Deficiency stood at 33 per cent, anemia among pregnant women stood at 53 per cent while Low Birth Weight (LBW) stood at seven per cent.

He noted that a national survey conducted last year revealed that Kagera Region was leading in malnutrition among top ten regions in Tanzania Mainland where malnutrition stood at 41.7 per cent among children aged below five years.

Other regions include Dodoma, Mwanza, Kigoma, Mbeya, Dar es Salaam, Geita, Tabora, Ruvuma and Lindi.

The training has been organised by the Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA) in collaboration with Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS), Brella, Tan- Trade and Small Industries Development Organisation (SIDO).

TFDA Acting Director of Food Safety (DFS), Mr Justin Makisi revealed that TFDA had already conducted similar trainings in 24 regions with only two regions still remaining namely Mara and Simiyu.

Source: Daily News