Gmaz Mulls Contract Farming As Substitute for Whea

Posted on April, 24, 2019 at 09:06 am

The Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ) has revealed plans to set up contract farming as substitute for wheat imports which have been hampered by recurrent foreign currency shortages.

In a statement, GMAZ chair Tafadzwa Musarara vowed his organisation's support towards President Emmerson Mnangagwa's pledges to preserving national food security and consumer purchasing power.

This comes as bread prices have shot to $3,50, up from $2, with bakers attributing the hike on efforts to cushion themselves from continued wheat shortages, among some of their reasons.

"We remain ready to partner government in this regard in order to improve food security at household level and arrest runway food inflation that has the potency to upset livelihoods," Musarara said.

"As proven by national statistics on record, prices of the staples product we produce have had the least market price increases in comparison with the generality of other commodities.

"This demonstrates our industry commitment towards a food secure nation. The values and ethos of the Transitional Stabilisation Program are very prudent, and we support the need to narrow the government subsidy intervention between grain purchase and its selling to industry."

The GMAZ boss said the "milling industry has encumbered itself with a duty to continuously engage government and all other stakeholders on matters that pertain to the processing and distribution of all staple grain and cereal products we produce."

He continued, "We look forward to an improved supply of imported wheat so that flour and bread supplies exceed market demand.

"On its part, GMAZ is working on contract wheat farming as a way to substitute imports. We are grateful to the full support we are getting from all various ministries and departments of government."

Source: New Zimbabwe