Sudan: Agreement Between Ministry of Agric, WFP

Posted on May, 3, 2019 at 10:00 am

Khartoum — The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has signed with the World Food Program (WFP) the country agreement for the period 2019-2023 to eradicate hunger, improve nutritional status and deal with the post-harvest transactions. The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Engineer Babiker Othan Mohamed Ali stressed, in statements to the press, cooperation and support of the Ministry of Agriculture to the program, adding that the agricultural sector is expected to improve the food situation in quantity and quality as well as to achieve self-sufficiency and and extends aid to the neighboring countries, referring to the resources of Sudan, which will contribute to the eradication of hunger allover the world.

For his part, the WFP Country Director underscored working to transfer WFP's expertise and assistance to eradicate hunger in the country. The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests and the WFP Country Director Matthew Holgourt signed the agreement.

Source: Sudan News Agency