Economy Promising With Digital System in Agri

Posted on May, 3, 2019 at 10:03 am

TANZANIA economy is expected to grow more in the coming years following the inception of digital system in agriculture based business.

That was said recently by the Director for TradeMark East Africa, Tanzania branch, Mr John Ulanga in Dar es Salaam, while opening a training on the application of Agricultural Trade Information System (ATMIS) as a new system that will help Tanzanians to fight and reduce poverty in their midst.

He said the country's economy depends on agriculture majorly, therefore, introducing the digital system means that agricultural produce will be monitored and marketed with ease in various business opportunities.

"The digitalisation of agriculture business will open up market opportunities, improve environment for doing business and set a fair competitive platform for products from Tanzania," he added.

According to Mr Ulanga, the new system will enable the Ministry of Agriculture to formally issue permits and receive payments online.

He said TMEA has enabled the installment of the digital system that will support and improve environment of doing business in the country.

"The new system will enable the government to issue permits and collect revenues online, this will help traders and investors to do business easily, since they will no longer waste time searching for permits manually," he noted.

The Director further said that Tanzania being the leading country in East Africa in terms of opportunities to at-tract investors and traders, the system will help the government to collect revenue with ease.

He said the country is geographically and strategically placed along its borders with six countries relying on its ports, hence even the shipping in of goods will be monitored formally.

According to Mr Ulanga, TMEA plays a big role in the development of Tanzanian economy by opening opportunities through application of digital system that opens markets and expose various investment opportunities to investors across the world.

He mentioned some of the work TMEA has managed to accomplish in the country as financing the improvement of Dar es Salaam Port at 60bn/-, and construction of OSBP as well as the improvement of the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) systems at 53bn/-.

In his list he also included the construction of OSIS that is being used by TANROADS at 2bn/-.

TMEA was established in 2010 and it is currently operating in Arusha, Bujumbura, Dar es Salaam, Juba, Kampala, Kigali, Kinshasa, Addis Ababa and Nairobi, and soon Lilongwe, Lusaka and Maputo.

Source: Daily News