Food Reserves Using food reserves to enhance food

Posted on May, 30, 2019 at 10:07 am

This report is one of the products of a study commissioned by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO). It aims to clarify the potential role of food reserves in enhancing food and nutrition security in developing countries and make recommendations on how to use food reserves (in complement to other tools), taking into account the specificities on the context and the constraints of World Trade Organization (WTO) disciplines.
The study was conducted in 2016 based on i) an extensive review of the existing literature (both theoretical and empirical) and ii) ten case studies analysing national or regional experiences in Africa, Asia and South America.

Download 406d5-using-food-reserves-to-enhance-food-and-nutrition-security-in-developing-countries.pdf