15th Platform PP kicks off in Nairobi

Posted on June, 14, 2019 at 09:22 am

15th Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme Partnership Platform kicks off yesterday in Nairobi, Kenya under the theme “Enhancing Trade and Market Access for Accelerated Agriculture transformation”.

Platform (PP) is an annual continental forum which brings together stakeholders in African agriculture and food security. CAADP aims to address challenges in order to consolidate and accelerate progress towards agricultural transformation in Africa.

The Partnership Platform is being attended by AUC Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, H.E Amb. Josefa Sacko,Senior Representatives from AUDA-NEPAD,Agriculture Ministers from Africa,Representatives of Development Partners and Representatives from the Government of Kenya.

Also in attendance is the high level African leadership, Regional Economic Communities, government ministries, farmers’ organizations, the private sector and civil society.

The three sub-themes are:Creating an Enabling Environment for Agricultural Trade through appropriate Policies, Governance and Institutional arrangements: This sub-theme will examine the status of the current agriculture institutions and the required conducive environment to attract public and more importantly private investments and stimulate agricultural trade for inclusive growth and jobs.

Linkages between Trade and Food Security, Nutrition and Food Safety: This sub-theme will discuss what the continent needs to do to produce tradable products that are safe to ensure food and nutrition security.

Enhancing Investments and Market Access: Best Practices for Inclusive Value Chains, Input and Output Markets: This sub-theme will discuss the organization of key value chains to ensure agriculture commercialization and participation of all players in the value chains including smallholders, youth and women.

Consequently, the 2019 PP will present African countries and their development and technical partners with the opportunity to reflect together, share best practices and identify strategies and policies to foster integration, enhanced market access and intra-regional trade in agricultural commodities and services.

Source: IPP Media