MZADD hails Lead Farmer concept for improving agri

Posted on June, 17, 2019 at 10:51 am

Written by  Wisdom Ngwira

Mzuzu Agricultural Development Division (MZADD) has said the country can achieve better agricultural produces if more communities embraced lead farmer concept.

In an interview Tuesday during MZADD Sustainable Agriculture Lead Farmer Project (SALFP) at Kafukule, MZADD Programme Manager, and Wellington Phewa said it is high time the nation fully embraced the concept.

He said with the country currently having few agricultural extension workers, the lead farmer concept stands out as one of the most effective ways of achieving high agricultural productivity.

“This concept is very good since we are using people who are in the communities to impart them with our agricultural expertise and these people later go to their various communities and teach fellow farmers what we teach them.

“It is a more sure way of reaching out to as many farmers compared to relying on agricultural extension workers who of late are few,” Phewa said.

He said lead farmers are better placed to interact with communities as they stay with the farmers.

“If, as a country, dream of improving our agriculture productivity, then this is the right way to go and I urge all farmers across the country to adhere to this concept,” Phewa said.

One of the trained lead farmers, Roncy Mkandawire said she is happy that since the project started in the area, she managed to convince and work with 32 out of 36 households in her village.

“Since I was trained as a lead farmer, a lot of people in my village Khwechisa Jere, have welcomed this initiative as I am able to teach them various agricultural technical skills which in the long run help to improve agricultural productivity in our community,” she added.

The Sustainable Agriculture Lead Farmer Project was being run through a five year funding from local non-governmental organization, Find Your Feet.


Source: Malawi News Agency (MANA Online)