Tanzania's new Trade Minister outlines priorities

Posted on June, 17, 2019 at 10:57 am

By Samuel Kamndaya

*Dodoma.* The new Industry and Trade minister, Mr Innocent Bashungwa, has outlined what he is going to start with, in serving the new docket as government minister following the recent Cabinet changes.

Mr Bashungwa, 40, revealed his plans when meeting top officials from 16 institutions and departments under his ministry, seeking to ramp up the speed of facilitating businesses to meet the expectations of the President John Magufuli government.

“Our duty is to facilitate businesses to attain an industry-based economy. I do not expect to see us frustrating businesses. If your institution deals with regulatory issues, I do not expect you to be overregulating,” the minister said.

With implementation of the ‘Blueprint’ for improving Tanzania’s business climate officially beginning after the Finance and Planning Minister, Dr Philip Mpango, scrapped 54 fees and levies in his budget proposals, the remaining task now was on mindset change, the new minister stated. “We now need mindset change. We need to be seen as having the customer care that is not available in the public service. We must work together to build an industrialized Tanzania.”

On the issue of markets for strategic crops, Mr Bashungwa said his ministry will deepening its cooperation with the ministry of Agriculture to develop a single marketing plan.

“Our two ministries should coordinate marketing plans for cashew nuts, cotton, tea, coffee and tobacco, among other crops,” he said.

Source: The Citizen