Farmers urged to grow crops that supplement

Posted on June, 17, 2019 at 11:41 am

Written by  Wisdom Ngwira -MANA

 Mzuzu Agricultural Development Division (MZADD) said farmers in the country should strive to diversify their crop production to ensure that people consume six food groups for betterment of their nutrition status.

An interview on Friday, MZADD Programmes Manager, Wellington Phewa said a number of people across the country still have a misconception they need more money for them to attain six food groups daily.

He said if the nation is to have a productive agricultural workforce; farmers should produce crops which can contribute to the recommended six foods group with ease.

“Farmers have the advantage to eat food that contains all the required six food groups since they are the ones who grow the crops.

“You can see that all the touted six food groups are locally grown. This means that they are produced by farmers in the communities,” Phewa added.

He said production of crops with nutritional values would transform the nation into a more productive workforce.

“One thing that I also need to mention here is that most of the times when we have agricultural shows, we see farmers showcasing varieties of well-prepared dietary foods just for shows.

“Farmers do not usually eat and prepare these foods at their respective homes. We need to change this mindset,” the Manager said.

 Senior Chief Mtwalo of Mzimba concurred with Phewa saying the emphasis should be on encouraging households to grow and eat food that have nutrition requirements.

“We need to have farmers who are healthy for them to be more productive. I believe that it is only a healthy farmer who can work hard on his farm.

“Eating well does not necessarily require one to have a lot of money, but just produce your crops and prepare them well for consumption,” he said.

Source: Malawi News Agency (MANA Online)