Tanzania secures rice, maize market in 7 countries

Posted on June, 18, 2019 at 11:11 am

Tanzania has secured a market for its rice and maize in seven countries, the government said in Parliament on Monday, June 17.

The Deputy Minister for Industry and Trade, Ms Stella Manyanya told the Parliament that through initiatives by Tanzania Trade Development Authority (TanTrade), crop boards and Tanzania's ambassadors, the country has secured markets for rice and maize in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Oman, Egypt, Rwanda, Zambia, the Comoros and Burundi.

Ms Manyanya, who doubles as Member of Parliament (MP) for Nyasa, was responding to a question from Mr Frank Mwakajoka (Tunduma - Chadema) during the Question and Answer Session.

Mr Mwakajoka wanted to know steps being taken by the government to secure concrete markets for Tanzania's agricultural produce.

Ms Manyanya said members of the private sector in Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia and the Comoros have asked Tanzania to supply them with 102,000 tonnes, 100,000 tonnes, 3,000 tonnes and another 3,000 tonnes respectively.

Ms Manyanya said Tanzania has enough food, saying in case traders face obstacles in exporting their food products, they should communicate with officials from the Ministry of Industry and Trade and those from the Ministry of Agriculture.

Source: The Citizen

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